Click2Cloud's Joint International Hackathon 2019 on Opensource with China OpenStack community

Click2Cloud’s Joint International Hackathon 2019

Click2Cloud Inc., Vidarbha’s leading Cloud-based company, has organized 1st International Hackathon in India in partnership with China OpenStack community (Intel, Huawei, Tencent, others). It was a three (3) day event started from 18th April 2019 in Click2Cloud IT park Campus Nagpur, providing an international platform for professionals/upcoming talent. The event got a grand kick start in India market with 100+ Information Technology professionals and enthusiasts enrolled for this event on Day 1.

The event started on a very high note with an inaugural function where all participants from industries along with Click2Cloud were been felicitated. A huge amount of leading Press and Media people from Times of India, All India Radio, Lokmat Times, News Nation where been spotted at the event venue to cover the entire event.

India’s first hackathon Event Conducted by Click2Cloud Inc.


Hackathon Day 1: Inauguration and a great Kick Start

Post felicitation in opening ceremony during the inauguration session Mr. Prashant Mishra, CEO of Click2Cloud Inc, shared his thought of extending the contribution between two different countries culture and Technology, according to him the event will be much bigger in the coming time and expect one to two thousand IT participants attendance with 40 plus top companies forming a group for OpenSource India. Prashant along with Fred Li – Huawei Opensource CTO, JianFeng Ding – Software Manager Intel, Ruan He – Chief Architect Tencent addressed the gathering, Prashant was present in person while other executives joined online along with a huge team from Shenzhen China.

Prashant Mishra, CEO of Click2Cloud & Rupal Shirpurkar, Business head, along with Fred Li – Huawei Opensource CTO, addressing the Participants & online interaction with the team


Business Head Rupal Shirpurkar shared her thoughts about the cloud market and partnership between the OpenStack community that is represented by 82 thousand developers across the world. She mentioned that Opensource communities are non-paid self-drive technology dreamers, software developers, and IT engineers. The digitization and cloud adoption is the future and AI, ML, Data Sciences are the skills for the future. These types of an event not only give exposure to world-class technology but allows us to be part of the thriving ecosystem million plus software developers and IT community professionals; that is changing our world every day in digital payment, healthcare automation & many more areas.

From Nagpur Office Sapan – Engineering manager – Opensource, Harshal – Engineering Manager Cloud Brain, Archana – Manager Opens SDS, Tushar – Engineering Manager – Cloud Migration shared their thoughts with participants from different colleges and companies on the use of open source and how the technology can be enhanced. In the second half of Day-1 respective team started with their work along with planning and setting up goals for the next two days. The contributions done from the Nagpur team is available on GitHub Community.

The OpenSource community for Hackathon Click2Cloud Inc. selected Domain viz Open SDS, OpenStack, CNCF.


Finally, Day 1 ended with a great contribution towards opensource community followed by an entertainment session.



Hackathon Day 2: Enormous Enthusiasm and Spirit of Contribution

Day 2 started with a huge dedication for a contribution towards opensource community along with an overwhelming registration for participation received by click2cloud. Participants showed a great enthusiastic approach towards bug Fixing/feature devolving/Issue resolving in all the 3 dedicated areas of Open SDS, OpenStack & CNCF.

Teams brainstorming to fix the solutions in Open Source Hackathon

Later, in the afternoon during the post-lunch session, there was an interaction with the Open Source community from China, the core team members who conducted this International Hackathon in China. Initially, both the teams from China & Click2Cloud India interacted on their contribution in the Hackathon 2019. Where Fred Li from Huawei, Maggie Liang from Intel & Liyun from CSEI shared their experience about the Opensource Hackathon, along with the areas they are contributing in.

Interaction of Click2Cloud & all participants with the Top Leaders from Intel, Huawei & CSEI.


Hackathon Day 3: Award Ceremony and the Final Day of the Event

Day 3, the last day of the event started with the finalization of coding & submission of work to the OpenSource community. A huge amount of contribution is being seen by the Click2Cloud Team in the OpenSource community in the dedicated areas of Open SDS, OpenStack & CNCF.

Later in the afternoon, it was time to celebrate the success with an international award ceremony held in Shenzhen, China. Where Click2Cloud was honored with the title of SUPER INDIA HACKATHON TEAM.