
Click2Cloud’s Contribution in OpenSDS Project

25-Apr, 2019
click2cloud blogs- Click2Cloud’s Contribution in OpenSDS Project

The traditional enterprise storage solutions based on proprietary hardware and controller-based storage arrays, which are expensive and inflexible. The world’s storage need is increasing, so we need a storage system that is scalable to the exabyte level without affecting data reliability and performance.

To solve this problem, OpenSDS community along with valuable contributors like Huawei, Click2Cloud, Intel have built the platform which is working to address storage integration challenges, particularly in scale-out cloud native environments with heterogeneous storage platforms. It is about creating a framework for universal storage control. It abstracts the storage complexities so that storage from any vendor can be discovered, provisioned and managed in the same way regardless of the compute environment.

It provides massively scalability for object, block and file storage from a single clustered platform. It will make it easier to utilize storage from any vendor using the same SDS platform across different environments. It runs on any commodity hardware without any vendor lock-in and provides flexibility in hardware selection as well. Click2Cloud will provide real-time hands-on experience on OpenSDS for moving big data across the Clouds.


Roadmap of OpenSDS

Roadmap of OpenSDS-Click2Cloud

Fig-1: Roadmap of OpenSDS


Roadmap of OpenSDS

Fig-2: Roadmap of OpenSDS


Click2Cloud and OpenSDS community together have build features like Multi-Cloud for GCP, CEPHAWS S3, Azure, Huawei OBS as storage Back-end; it provides Object Storage Migration and can perform operations like Create Bucket, Delete Bucket, Upload Object, Download Object, Delete Object from a single platform.


Multi-Cloud Storage Migration Architecture diagram

Multi-Cloud Storage Migration Architecture diagram

Fig-1: Multi-Cloud Storage Migration Architecture diagram


We also have developed OpenSDS-Installer using AnsibleHelmMulti-Backend (Ceph, LVM, Cinder, Fusion storage), Multi-NodeMultiDock; It is light version of OpenSDS and user have choice to select multiple backends. Developing volume replication feature; a solution for Disaster Recovery, OpenSDS Thin installer is developed; it is lite version of OpenSDS with some specific or say limited operations, File share; in which Multiple user can access a folder and saves storage space, NVMeoF support, Multi-Cloud AK/SK Management Design, OpenSDS Replication Design, Automation and Orchestration, we are developing on upcoming features like Telemetry & Anomaly Detection; providing monitoring for local storage clusters and clouds.

We have started integrating above features for Alibaba and other cloud providers in 3-Days Hackathon held in Nagpur. In future, we are planning to Open the door for other storage vendors like AIXonOpenSDS, SAPonOpenSDS, Oracle, Box, Caringo, Cloudian, Dell EMC, Dropbox, Google drive, Glass Cubes etc.


1st International Open Source Hackathon in Nagpur

1st International Open Source Hackathon in Nagpur

1st International Open Source Hackathon in Nagpur-Click2Cloud


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