Click2Cloud Docker Toolkit for Visual Studio is an application platform that allows a user to manage Docker Images and Containers with similar functionality found in the command-line Docker command.
Docker is software which lets you create an image (which is a lot like a template for a virtual machine) and then run instances of that image in a container.
Docker maintains a vast repository of images, called the Docker Hub, which you can use as starting points or as free storage for your own images. You can install Docker, choose an image you’d like to use, and then run an instance of it as a container.
You can refer the installation guide to choose your platform,
Use this command:
docker run -it centos
After some processing, you’ll see a prompt like this:
Try few other commands and then exit the container:
root@719059da250d:/# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Centos
Description: Centos 6.6
Release: 7.0
Codename: trusty
root@719059da250d:/# exit
With above commands, you will see the bash shell of an isolated container running Centos on your machine.
Here’s a diagram and a breakdown of the result of this Docker installation:
Click2Cloud Docker Toolkit for Visual Studio has adopted Docker Commands which are accessible via a OpenShift Web Console and Command Line Tools and Interfaces. But, managing these tools and remembering the various commands using CLI’s need good expertise and training, which is making it difficult for developers to use it.
The best solutions that address these constraints is our Click2Cloud Visual Studio IDE Extension for Docker.
You can publish .Net Application to Linux in 5 minutes with Click2Cloud Docker Toolkit for Visual Studio.
The Visual Studio Docker explorer plugin can easily connect to any Docker machine running on the cloud with a pre-requisite as that machine should be created without error and once the connection creates we will be able to perform the rest of the operations. This extension uses the Docker Hub to Pull & Push the Docker images and build the application.
1. Download the Click2Cloud Docker Toolkit for Visual Studio from Visual Studio Gallery
2. Launch the extension and Sign-in to Alibaba Cloud environment
3.Pull Image from the registry.
4. Run the pulled image.
5.View logs and build the required image
The Docker Explorer is a feature developed by Click2Cloud for Visual studio that provides developer various functionalities within the platform;
Searching of Docker Images on the fly from Docker Hub
Building a Docker Image requires an existing Image to create a new Docker Image. Typically, this involves installing new packages in the existing image. The specification of the new Docker Image is done via a special file which is always named: Dockerfile. Clicking on the Build Image icon starts the Build Image Wizard: