
Installing Red Hat OpenShift 2 Environment using Click2Cloud Inc.'s Auto Script - Tutorial Part 3 - Linux Node Deployment

26-Apr, 2016
click2cloud blogs- Installing Red Hat OpenShift 2 Environment using Click2Cloud Inc.'s Auto Script - Tutorial Part 3 - Linux Node Deployment

Run the Installation Utility

1. Installation utility directly using the below command:

Run the Installation Utility



3. Follow the instructions provided below to deploy OpenShift Enterprise.

OpenShift Enterprises uses an interactive installation process. There are quite a few questions to answer, so pay attention! The questions are shown below, with the user input in red.

On the Main Menu you will see the multiple choices, which we will use one by one. So let’s start with installing broker.

3.1 Enter 2 to install node


main menu


3.2  Press y if you have RHN Account, redhat subscription is required to configure linux node:


3.3 Enter your subscription details – User ID, Password and Subscription Pool_Id (you can use the same subscription which used in broker):


enter password


3.4 Enter mcollective password which provided in broker, else you can check the cfg file on broker at this path – /opt/rh/ruby193/root/etc/mcollective/client.cfg :


enter passwords


3.5 Enter the details like cloud domain, host domain, broker fqdn, broker ip and linux node fqdn:






3.6 Select the default gear size for broker:



3.7 Type the cartridges name which you want to download and configure, if you are not sure leave it blank, it will select the default list of cartridges shown below:


Type the cartridges


3.8 Review the entered details before the installation starts. All the installation logs will store on file in current directory. If you want to re-enter the details press else press y to proceed the installation:


installation starts


Once the installation started, it will take an hour to complete it. Make sure you have full internet access on Linux Node to get the required packages from internet and broker should be reachable from node.

Once it’s completed, it will return to the main menu.

3.9 Now check the Linux Node is installed successfully and the services is running properly. Enter to check node:


Linux Node is installed


3.10 It will check all the required services, node.conf and other configuration files. If everything is up and running you will see the PASS message:


PASS message

You have successfully configured Linux Node in 10 steps.



On Broker

Now go to broker and check the connectivity using the below command:


On Broker


You can see the node is available at broker. Now create district on broker and add linux node to it.



Create District (on Broker) and add Linux Node

To create district run the utility downloaded earlier on broker.


A. Enter 5 to Manage District:


add Linux Node


B. Enter 1 to Create District:

Create District


C. Enter 1 to select linux platform and enter the name for linux district:

 linux platform


D. It will create district and show the information as shown below:

create district and show the information


E. In the Manage District menu, select 2 to Add Node to a district:

Manage District menu


F. Enter the district name and linux node fqdn, once you enter it will check and add the linux node to district:

district name and linux node




Create first application using Linux Cartridge

Open browser and enter the broker FQDN or IP address to login to broker console:

Once you login you will see the OpenShift console to create applications, Click on Create your first application now:




Now select the cartridge to create application:

cartridge to create application



Provide meaningful name to your application and click to Create Application:

PHP Create Application



It will create PHP application in couple of mins:

create PHP application in couple of mins



So till now we have successfully configured broker, configured linux node and added it to broker, created district and created first app using linux cartridge.

Now we will configure windows node with OpenShift broker.


This is the third part of the tutorial for enabling the OpenShift 2.O for Microsoft Windows. You can visit the other tutorials Click Here For Tutorial 1

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