
08-Sep, 2021 | By Click2Cloud® Inc.

Codefest2021 was a great success. Over 500+ participants joined this virtual event. The event was co-hosted by the business head, Click2Cloud, Rupal ShirpurkarNikhil Aparajit was the event organizer. The CEO of Click2Cloud Inc, Mr. Prashant Mishra shared his insights on how the new 5G technology can impact our lives. His note enlightened on ‘Shaping the Future of Cloud Native Infrastructure at the Age of AI, 5G, and Edge’. Many other managers joined the discussion on Cloud and related technologies. The virtual meet-up was closed with Prashant Mishra’s long-term vision for the betterment of the tech community in India. This is a glimpse of after event of Codefest2021 held by Click2Cloud

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codefest2021 coding events event 2021 top events in nagpur success events after event events celebration click2clouds events