Accelerate Innovation of Financial Enterprises with Cloud Intel

20-Apr, 2022 | By Click2Cloud® Inc.

Data is the lifeblood of #financeenterprises, #security and #protection of data are very important for the #financialsector.

Due to the large volume of data, a traditional approach results in slow performance and delayed #report generation.

The #CloudIntel platform helps #financialorganizations evaluate the readiness of their on-prem data warehouse environments and workloads to #migrate to the cloud.

It Performs an #assessment of your infrastructure, including your datacenter, legacy applications, and databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, SQL Lite, Sybase, and DB2.

A significant reduction in CapEx on infrastructure due to Cloud Intel resulted in better performance, time savings, and more secure data.

Cloud Intel helps #financialsector to move data from on-prem to cloud and from cloud to cloud in minutes rather than weeks and to get detailed #reports, #discovery, and #assessment of your data.

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